Monday, June 18, 2012

The 3 Aspects of Martial Arts (intro)

In the martial art system that I someday wish to develop, I will emphasize the concept of "3 parts".  It is common for people to view the world as a balance of black & white, Yin & Yang, etc.  Being educated or enlightened expands this thought into single axis spectrum with black on one end, white on another with infinite shades of gray in between.

I'd like to suggest expanding our perception further by adding a third option to this established dichotomy.  I don't think it's important to agree on what the 3rd option is, but rather to begin thinking outside of the "yes" or "no" system. 

On a multiple choice quiz, it is essentially the same as the answer "e. none of the above" - an indication that there might be another answer that has yet to be presented.

Anyways, enough with the theory of the concept of a "3rd" option; I just wanted to establish the idea that thinking of a 3rd option is mentally challenging and stimulating, and I applied it to martial arts.

Let me begin by dividing martial arts into 3 aspects:  Physical, Mental, Skills.

I. Physical :  The 3 "S"s - Strength, Speed, Stamina
II. Mental:  Mental State, Self-Control, Muscle Memory (enforcing synaptic signals)
III. Skills :  Technique, Timing, Observation
I will go into the details of each aspect and the components of each aspect in later posts.

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